Oct 28, 2013


“From darkness to light, from uncertainty to the security of the known, from loneliness to the company of others.”

Olafur Eliasson once told:
"In this space, time is the main protagonist, is a critical component or vehicle. The space has different times. You have a sense of space when you get lost in time. With this work, I am interested in taking all of your senses: your sight.... The situation is threatening, but develop your sense of orientation "….
This words describes our past year perfectly and now we can finally describe our journey which will continue now that we are in the vicinity of the light.

But before we start telling our amazing,horrible, quietly, loudly, long, short, fast and also slowly experience. We are going to investigate about the capturer of moments, the capturer of sensations, the capturer of feelings.  Olafur Eliason : Danish artist responsible for such well-known projects as “the weather project” and “the flood of new york”.
One of the things I love about this guy is the ability to realize a sense. Something that architecture search desperately and sadly no often achieve it.

Funcionamiento silencioso (2003)
His inspiration for the the Biosphere II experiment, carried out by a group of scientists during the Eighties and the beginning of the Nineties in Arizona, USA. The aim was to construct an enormous greenhouse as an artificial environment for recreating organic life and drawing conclusions on the habitats on other planets. After years of work, between 1991 and 1993 they obtained ecological stability as the structure was sealed with eight researchers living inside.
Where do you think would be the perfect situation or environment to give an interpretation of this experiment here on earth. The Palacio de Cristal, one of many examples of this glass and iron architecture spaces wich where created as greenhouses ( Spaces to create life, without caring of the outside world. One of the request of this interesting experiment; Biosphere II, testing the possibility of life inside a container in another planet). Inside the Palacio de Cristal Eliasson creates an artificial garden via eight works that join organic and artificial elements to reproduce seemingly self-sufficient microcosms. Each of the works exhibited refer to elements present in society and look at the inversion of perspective - the viewer becomes an object rather than most commonly a subject in works. As a result, the first receives the experience that creates the second - this change of mentality is what Eliasson offers viewers of his work.

Funcionamiento silencioso en el Palacio de Cristal 2003

And just for fun, if you have time and don´t want to see anything more of Olafur, or maybe you want to see it all, go further and try to find similarities with his job in something else, as for example a movie; I invite you to watch Sunshine (2007) directed by Danny Boyle and try to feel and recreate your eyes with some beautiful images, colours and utopian thoughts in most of the rooms of the spaceship Icarus II.

Observatory room of Icarus II

Stay tunned for more of our posts. We have news, Projects, Contest, Partnerships, inside thought to investigate…That we would like to share.

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