Dec 1, 2013


When the Impossible becomes possible?
 And this is how IPS SPAIN and ARQUID rules!

Now is the time! . After these first posts in the blog , we have already warmed up . Arquidianos we are on fire! . At the beginning of the year Arquid became immersed in the feasibility study of a project that seemed impossible. An interior walkway in Procter and Gamble factory that offered safe passage to avoid traffic machine and worker interaction, that run through the production area offering also a new representative image for clients and visits.
We passed through the production lines , seeping between the structure and the renovations that were developing on the ground , creating an impossible, travelling at 4 meters high fron the floor.

Ladies and Genlemen! 180 meters inner journey. To  make it more difficult, the GANGWAY project required a way out of the plant to connect to the central offices and it had to be covered. Lord help us!!

Here you have a series of conceptual images of the feasibility study. This is what showed Arquid customer . Images collecting a very clear idea. A changing and selective route . Guide the viewer by showing only what interested us show . Three sensations :

-Opening completely. (Bannister and steel cable)
-Subtle and blurred-vision. (U glass)
-Opaque and blind-vision. (Plasterboard)

I think we could call it “the impossible project ”. Follow very closely to see if indeed the project went ahead or not.

Ahora si!. Despues de estos primeros posts, ya hemos calentado. Los arquidianos estamos on fire!. A principios del año  Arquid se vio inmerso en el estudio de viabilidad de un proyecto que parecía imposible. Una pasarela interior de la fábrica de Procter and Gamble que ofreciese una paso seguro elevado del tránsito de máquinas que discurren por la zona de producción y a su vez ofrecer una nueva imagen representativa.
Pasamos por la zona de producción de las líneas, colándonos entre la estructura y las remodelaciones que se iban desarrollando en la planta, creando un recorrido imposible a 4 metros de altura.

180 metros de recorrido interior señoras y caballeros!. Y como la cosa no era muy complicada además había que conseguir sacar el recorrido al exterior para desembarcar con seguridad por encima de una entrada de camiones.

Aquí os dejo una serie de imágenes conceptuales del estudio de viabilidad. Esto es lo que Arquid mostró al cliente. Imágenes que recogen una idea muy clara. Un recorrido cambiante, y selectivo. Guiar al espectador mostrándoles solo aquello que nos interesaba mostrar. 3 sensaciones:

-Apertura total. (Barandilla y cables de acero)
-Visión sutil y borrosa. (U glass)
-visión opaca y ciega. (Pladur) 

Creo que podríamos llamarlo el proyecto imposible. Seguirnos muy de cerca para saber si de verdad el proyecto siguió adelante o no. 

Nov 25, 2013


Happy Monday Arquidianos!
Some have been sick because of the nigh rytm of the mountain , some will say it was the jacuzzi and others may say that is because all were injured after an intense and athletic afternoon which led to a painful end. (And when I say intents and athletic , I mean I run 10 meters and falling at number 5).
This battle needs a full post that will come later , once we collect all the evidence.
Arquid finally focuses on telling what we've been doing all this year. We are not some blog on the internet, we are going to be The Blog! (comments will be happily take into account).We are a work in progress!.
We want to share our collaboration elbow to elbow( Spanish expression-spanglish, like Don´t get cat by rabbit, or killing flies with a cannon), under the intense heat of the capital in the month of July. A competition landscape rehabilitation; ENCE in Pontevedra. We end being the 4º candidate over 100 proosals. Yes yes ! You are readiing correctly! . And who is our partner,  our mus companion, the Jing of our Jang , The Sancho of our Don Quixote, our Watson , our Mr Hyde ... a growing engineering team IPS SPAIN ( , I leave you the link so you can see how they rock).

conceptual image of the project

In short this is a contest to landscape recovery of an area of Pontevedra. The story tells of many years of complaints from the neighbors because of a paper factory that were built long ago.
The project aimed to enhance the existing landscape , the views, and the strengths of the relevant building facades wrapped with perforated and opaque metal leaving the green invade it and letting the place take control of the factory. (Live like galegos! Si chove que chove!) .

Green landscape Strategy 

I wont entertain you any longer, So much is coming, because who said crisis? The crisis is and will remain the best time to demonstrate to people that the architecture is much more useful than they think...

  Facade metal texture invaded by green

Feliz lunes arquidianos!.
Unos habrán enfermado dado al ritmo de la noche montañesa, otros lo achacarán a un jacuzzi y otros podrán decir que todo se debe a que se lesionaron tras una tarde intensa y atlética que derivó en un final doloroso. ( Y cuando digo tarde intentsa y atlética, me refiero a correr 10 metros y caerte en el número 5).
Esa batalla necesita de un post completo que vendrá mas adelante, una vez recojamos las evidencias necesarias. Arquid se centra por fín en empezar a contaros que hemos estado haciendo todo este año 2013, porque no somos un blog cualquiera. Eso nunca!.
Queremos compartir nuestra colaboración codo con codo, bajo el calor intenso de la capital en pleno mes de Julio. Un concurso de rehabilitación paisajística para ENCE en Pontevedra que resultó ser el candidato 4 de entre mas de 100 propuestas. Si si! Como lo estais leyendo!!. Y quien es nuestro compañero de partida, nuestra pareja de mus, el Jing de nuestro Jang, el Sancho de nuestro don quijote , nuestro Watson, nuestro Mr Hyde… el increíble equipo de la ingeniería IPS SPAIN (, os dejo el link para que podáis ver el nivelón).

En definitiva se trata de un concurso que buscaba la recuperación paisajística de una zona de Pontevedra. La historia nos habla de muchos años de quejas por parte de lo vecinos hacia una fábrica de papel que se instauró tiempo atrás.
El proyecto buscaba potenciar lo existente, la vegetación, las vistas, y los puntos fuertes de la construcción envolviendo las fachadas pertinentes en metal perforado y opaco invadido por vegetación autóctona mimetizándose con el entorno usando el arma del reflejo de un paisaje gallego gallego ( de esos que a medida que vas llegando a ellos no puedes evitar coger aire y cerrar los ojos. Vivamos como galegos! Si chove que chove.!) .

No os entretengo mas, pero si esto os ha sabido a poco esperad a lo que se avecina, porque quien dijo crisis? La crisis es y seguirá siendo el mejor momento para superarse y demostrar que la arquitectura es mucho mas …

Nov 21, 2013


“Or Maybe the one and only”

In today´s post. A game for architect, for no architects, for clever ones, for not so clever ones, for everyone .
Are this drawings refers to :

a. something that happened in reality?.
b. Something during the design procces?.
c. A and B, Both of them?.
d. Neither of ones?.
e. Public wildcard.
f. No time no see.
g. I will say door number 2?

Stirling was one of the greatest figures of architecture in the 50’. You have to check him. Here I live you one of my favourite!.

Universidad de leicester

Nov 18, 2013


“Do not make me repeat myself. Christmas trees should be of brick”

One big true for a winter´s day. Enjoy as we did!.

I hope this year will not pass and all get a  Brick Christmas Tree. We notify you in time to spare you the trouble of getting it with no time. If architecture doesn´t come to architects, architects will go to it. So yes, tremble my friends!, that involve your houses, and the most beautiful time of the year. Your only option ... Let us do our thing on the street, there is no need to get inside your home.

Happy Monday architects! Others can have a crappyrest of the week! 

Espero que de este año no pase y todos tengáis un árbol de navidad como tiene que ser. Os lo avisamos con tiempo para que luego no haya disgustos. Si la arquitectura no viene a los arquitectos, Los arquitectos iremos a la arquitectura. Y si, temblad, eso implicará vuestras casas, y la época mas bonita del año. Vuestra única solución… Dejarnos hacer en la calle, para no tener que meternos en vuestra casa.
Feliz Lunes arquitectos, el resto podeis no disfrutar del resto de una porquería de semana!

Nov 12, 2013

3x1 “Green”Thoughts - ThreeSome

Who You gonna Call..Choose?


LEDscape installation was created by the design firm LIKEarchitects, experimental and innovative firm whose partners are three renowned architects: Diogo Aguiar and Teresa Otto João Jesus. The installation consists of 1,200 bulbs to create a path of light that invites attendees to think about saving electricity. (And how many people it took to put all these lights?)
LEDscape has been selected as a finalist in the 2013 FAD Awards, in the category of Ephemeral Installations, "Architecture as a constructor element of contemporary narratives, often associated with marketing and advertising."

La instalación LEDscape fue  creada por la empresa de diseño LIKEarchitects, una firma experimental e innovadora que tiene por socios a tres arquitectos de renombre: Diogo Aguiar, Jesús João y Teresa Otto. La instalación consta de 1,200 bombillas, para crear un camino de luz que invita a los asistentes a reflexionar sobre el ahorro de energía eléctrica. (Y cuantas personas hicieron falta para poner todas estas bonbillas?)
LEDscape ha sido seleccionada como finalista en los Premios FAD 2013, en la categoría de Instalaciones Efímeras; “la arquitectura un elemento constructor de narrativas contemporáneas, muchas veces asociadas al marketing y publicidad”.

FUTURAMA TRANSPORTS (Let´s Travel like a Hamster!)

Et 3 system is a new mode of transportation: Traveling through tubes capsules five feet in diameter by magnetic levitation , avoiding friction.
As advantages of the project are targeted security , speed (more than airplanes, which is reassuring seeing as Ryan Air and Vueling evolve right now) , lower noise, lower power consumption and power feed only . (Find your own electricity if you can)
In operation the air is first removed from the tubes to give rise to the electric motors that drive and accelerate the capsules inside of  a vacuum installation, only require power to maintain the speed.
Initial prototypes will reach speeds of 600 kilometers per hour, with the maximum theoretical speed of approximately 6,500 kilometers per hour. (To teleport anywhere, Star Trek What have you been playing? )
The system is automatic and requires no driver. 2016 we are Ready!

El TRANSPORTE DE FUTURAMA (Viajemos como Hamsters!)
El sistema Et3 es un nuevo modo de transporte que consiste en cápsulas que viajan por tubos de metro y medio de diámetro mediante levitación magnética, evitando la fricción.   
Como ventajas del proyecto se apuntan la seguridad, la rapidez (más que los aviones, lo cual es tranquilizador viendo como evolucionan Ryan Air y Vueling en estos momentos), el menor ruido, el menor consumo de energía y que se alimenta únicamente de electricidad. (De donde saques la energía ya es harina de otro costal)
En su funcionamiento primero se extrae el aire de los tubos para dar lugar a los motores eléctricos que impulsan y aceleran las cápsulas que, debido al vacío de la instalación, apenas necesitan electricidad para mantener la velocidad.
Los prototipos iniciales alcanzarán una velocidad de 600 kilómetros por hora, siendo la velocidad teórica máxima de unos 6,500 kilómetros por hora. (Para que teletransportarte a ningún lado, Star Treck a que has estado jugando?)

El sistema es automático y no necesita de conductor. 2016 estamos listos!

Watch where you Step!

Today we can find a big amount of solutions as many call eco-friendly, Star Path, and only with the name you get goosebumps. Light your way (transcendent friends, very transcendent) like you're walking over galaxies! ; Treading star after star. (If the “little prince” had to hunt with a comets catcher (aka butterfly net) the reality is much simpler.
The product was designed by Hamish Scott , whose Pro-Tec company develops and markets the product in the UK. Starpath absorbs and stores energy from ultraviolet rays. According to Scott "This product conforms to natural light, so if it's completely dark outside, the path will be illuminated, and if the sky is clear, the light less." NO TO ANOTHER UNDESIRE HAZARD!, No more unwanted tripping. "A smart way" for dummies who do not look the path they walk.

Actualmente podemos encontrar un sinfín de soluciones como muchos las llaman eco-amigables, Star Path, ya solo con su nombre se te ponen los pelos de punta. Ilumina tu camino (trascendental amigos, muy trascendental) como si caminaras sobre galaxias!!; Pisando estrella tras estrella. (Si el principito las tenía que cazar con un cazacometas(alias cazamariposas) la realidad es mucho mas sencilla.
El producto fue diseñado por Hamish Scott cuya compañía Pro-Tec desarrolla y comercializa el producto en el Reino Unido. Starpath absorbe y guarda energía de los rayos ultravioleta. Según Scott “Este producto se ajusta a la luz natural, así que si está completamente oscuro afuera, el sendero se iluminará más, y si el cielo está más claro, se iluminará menos.” NO AL TRASPIES, Se acabaron los tropiezos no deseados. “Un camino inteligente” para torpes que no miran por donde caminan.

Nov 11, 2013

The Walking Dead… I mean… "City"

Nomadic VS Sedentary.Wich side would you choose?
Are you Green or Zombie?

We started being nomads, we settled down and we take roots, we call a place “home” , and suddenly, as they say in fashion, everything is ciclycal, That´s where we headed?.
A debate that I completely leave to scholars of anthropology and my beloved "Bones" or Temperance Brennan as many others know her, that will give you an interesting speach, sometimes long and tedious, but extremely interesting.

 (Anthropology Rocks! Do not tell me it itsn´t “This  sticker will go on mi car next time I wash it”).

I present one of the top ten followed topics of architecture  blogs last week: "Very Large Structure". Beyond its immense size, has much less impact on the environment than a sedentary city .... (I for once am willing to let me bamboozle). ( Baamboozle: Kind of a “Gangway” word, such an improving English we have here)

Empezamos siendo nómadas, nos asentamos y echamos raíces, una cultura arraigada a un lugar al que llamamos hogar, y curiosamente, como dicen de las modas, de manera cíclica, es a eso a lo que nos encaminamos?.
Un debate que dejo completamente a los entendidos de la antropología y a mi muy querida “Bones” o Temperance Brenan como muchos otros la conoceréis; que os darán un interesante sermón, a veces largo  y tedioso, aunque tremendamente interesante. (La antropología mola!, no me digáis que no).
Os presento uno de los temas mas seguidos en blogs de arquitectura la semana pasada: “Very Large Structure”. Más allá de su tamaño colosal, tiene mucho menos impacto en el medio ambiente que una ciudad sedentaria….(Yo por lo menos estoy dispuesto a dejarme embaucar) (leela la traducción de embaucar en inglés. Cómo veis no solo enseñamos arquitectura…)

Dominguez, the author,  says his design is consciously utopian, but also notes that the construction is more realistic than ever. The scale of the structure is not very different from the present, and is designed to, for example, move to warmer climates in winter, just like if we were migratory birds. So forget about taking the car and the regional road (since tolls are so high), to Benidorm in January. Gandia is closer than ever and what's even better, we can finally live what many have dreamed of in secret for years; Our own Big Brother, Gandia Shore, Jersey Shore, The Valleys, all unique, only that this time with a  "greenmind" and "class".

Domínguez asegura que su diseño es conscientemente utópico, pero señala también que la construcción es más realista que nunca. La escala de la estructura no es muy distinta a las actuales, y está diseñada para, por ejemplo, desplazarse hacia climas templados en invierno, igualito que si fueramos aves migratorias. De manera que olvidaros de coger el coche y la carretera comarcal( puesto que los peajes están por las nubes), camino a Benidorm en el mes de Enero. Gandía está mas cerca que nunca y lo que es aun mejor, podremos vivir por fin lo que muchos hemos soñado en secreto desde hace años; Nuestro propio Gran hermano, Gandía Shore, Jersey Shore, The Valleys, todos ellos únicos , solo que ésta vez de manera “ecológica” y con “clase”.

Remeber Archigram? Maybe It´s time to get a closer look.
¿Os acordais de Archigram?. Quizás es hora de pegarles otro repaso.

He hey, Living so soon?. This week 2x1. We are that generous. Stay tuned !
Oye Oye, Nos dejas ya? Esta semana 2x1. Así de generosos somos. Estad atentos!

Nov 4, 2013

WHAT A LOVELY WAY TO WORK.....¿on weekends?

Picture yourself on a Weekend, maybe a Saturday, the sun is shining, it´s cold, but not to cold for a walk, One or two clouds in the sky and you have been all morning lying on the terrace tanning your self, experiencing the real weather project( "not the artificial sun in the Tate modern by Olafur Eliason") drinking a happy tonic, only because it is too soon to turn your happytonic into something else; Suddenly, an Idea. Get up, have a shower, you know you need it, and device the perfect afternoon with some of your naive friends or companions, those you can cheat easily. Go to Plaza Castilla, gossip and criticizes Santiago Calatrava for being so damn clever, building such awful things everywhere, do what he likes, and get very well paid for it ;Telling yourself you could do better. In the meantime, your are getting inside the “Canal” and your level of angerness is decreasing.

Magnum Photos ! Those people knew how to work and enjoy their proffesion!... 

Robert Capa, Festival popular, País Vasco, Francia, 1951

Erich lessing Wienerwald, Austria, 1954

Magnum was founded in New York in March 1947 as a cooperative of photographers who had two objectives: first, to make a new form of photojournalism, and secondly, create an independent agency outside of large journalistic companies , full autonomy on issues they would try and reserving intellectual property rights.
For photographers of Magnum was essential to have freedom to choose their own stories and work on them for long periods of time. They believed that photographers had to have their own point of view and should not be controlled by the editors of a magazine.  


..."You can not believe that the group Magnum Photography is a UNIFORM, it includes all types of individual talents and creative technical approaches and interests. That said, it does present a kind of unity, a unity difficult to define but nevertheless there.” ...

It is like talking of Arquid?...Stay tunned… 

After a long afternoon learning, culturing your self, you and  the innocents who accompany you, deceived  by the vague promise of a new and different afternoon experienced…
Reward yourself, get rest, eat, drink, and see what´s beneath your feet. You can discovered a fantastic mosaic of pieces that remaind you another time.

Geometries combined, create a mosaic, travel to another time ... and please! Please!… only do one thing. Watch where you step because it is one hell of a floor!. Enjoy the experience! Your are ending your day in the Punck Bach of Madrid.

 Next experience. How to cheat your non architecture friends into this Expo?….. Fisac and De la Sota…

Oct 28, 2013


“From darkness to light, from uncertainty to the security of the known, from loneliness to the company of others.”

Olafur Eliasson once told:
"In this space, time is the main protagonist, is a critical component or vehicle. The space has different times. You have a sense of space when you get lost in time. With this work, I am interested in taking all of your senses: your sight.... The situation is threatening, but develop your sense of orientation "….
This words describes our past year perfectly and now we can finally describe our journey which will continue now that we are in the vicinity of the light.

But before we start telling our amazing,horrible, quietly, loudly, long, short, fast and also slowly experience. We are going to investigate about the capturer of moments, the capturer of sensations, the capturer of feelings.  Olafur Eliason : Danish artist responsible for such well-known projects as “the weather project” and “the flood of new york”.
One of the things I love about this guy is the ability to realize a sense. Something that architecture search desperately and sadly no often achieve it.

Funcionamiento silencioso (2003)
His inspiration for the the Biosphere II experiment, carried out by a group of scientists during the Eighties and the beginning of the Nineties in Arizona, USA. The aim was to construct an enormous greenhouse as an artificial environment for recreating organic life and drawing conclusions on the habitats on other planets. After years of work, between 1991 and 1993 they obtained ecological stability as the structure was sealed with eight researchers living inside.
Where do you think would be the perfect situation or environment to give an interpretation of this experiment here on earth. The Palacio de Cristal, one of many examples of this glass and iron architecture spaces wich where created as greenhouses ( Spaces to create life, without caring of the outside world. One of the request of this interesting experiment; Biosphere II, testing the possibility of life inside a container in another planet). Inside the Palacio de Cristal Eliasson creates an artificial garden via eight works that join organic and artificial elements to reproduce seemingly self-sufficient microcosms. Each of the works exhibited refer to elements present in society and look at the inversion of perspective - the viewer becomes an object rather than most commonly a subject in works. As a result, the first receives the experience that creates the second - this change of mentality is what Eliasson offers viewers of his work.

Funcionamiento silencioso en el Palacio de Cristal 2003

And just for fun, if you have time and don´t want to see anything more of Olafur, or maybe you want to see it all, go further and try to find similarities with his job in something else, as for example a movie; I invite you to watch Sunshine (2007) directed by Danny Boyle and try to feel and recreate your eyes with some beautiful images, colours and utopian thoughts in most of the rooms of the spaceship Icarus II.

Observatory room of Icarus II

Stay tunned for more of our posts. We have news, Projects, Contest, Partnerships, inside thought to investigate…That we would like to share.