Apr 30, 2012

Following Le Corbusier: Athens

Unlike Le Corbusier our trip started in Athens and will continue to Istambul!
Hereby a glance of our visit. We were surprised of few things:
1.Acropolis reconstruction; it is our opinion that splitting the old pieces ad putting them in the museum provokes demotivation in visitors. Acropolis lost its personality
2. Bernard Tschumi building, a museum duplicating the preexistant acropolis without success.

Will keep you posted

Apr 16, 2012

Apr 5, 2012

Oskar Schlemmer

New concepts and thoughts about the relation between man towards space through geometric analysis of corporal forms and the movements in that space.
Lot of information can be found in this blog: http://triadicos.wordpress.com/
More here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/toytoy/sets/72157624007379286

Apr 3, 2012

Rupert Shrive

Amazing! Adam and Eve (2006)

Luis Feijó

Every time i see it, i feel different sensations:
- Intensity textures
- Energy strokes
- Contrasts + color + life

Look for it in Reina Sofía Museum, Madrid
Painting number 179

Antonio López

About Antonio´s works:
"A veces pienso que el futuro se encoge a la misma velocidad que el pasado, y cada vez más rápido! Y delante de esos cuadros uno siente la onda expansiva en los pulmones, como si fuera una mascletá rodada a cámara lenta. Es alucinante ver como para reflejar un paisaje en un instante..... hacen falta veinte años pintando sus transformaciones!!!!
Y me pregunto, ¿cómo se haría eso en la arquitectura?
Esa luz extraña te devora, y a veces es aterradora porque casi te engulle"
(LM, sep. 2011)